Sunday, 8 April 2018

Magazine Review Page Draft Ideas

 This is my first draft idea of the magazine review page. Looking back on it I think that it is way too cluttered with information and photographs. I think the magazine review page needs to be slightly more simplistic and clear for the readers. The reason for the images going diagonally across the page was originally my idea to break up the text so it wasn't too boring to sit and read. The images were going to be a mix of photos from the photoshoot and screenshots from the film. I think that the content was going to be useful and conform to the typical codes and conventions of a magazine review page however, I do not believe this was going to be the most effective way of displaying this.
This is the next attempt I had of drawing up a draft magazine review page. I much prefer the layout of this one as it is clear and not overflowing with information. It has potential to be very effective in engaging my target audience because of the use of its codes and conventions. I think that the screenshot I had in mind for this particular draft is very dramatic and reveals a spoiler from the film which is crucial to the action. I think by using this it will make the target audience wonder how the plot reached that point and what happens after that, thus encouraging them to watch the film.
This is my final draft idea of a magazine review page and it is potentially my favourite of the three. The text and the images are completely separated making it clear to the readers where to start and finish reading. It has informative information featuring on there which will engage the target audience. I think that the deadpan facial expressions in the pictures will be effective as this fits the thriller genre whilst still maintaining direct gaze and welcoming the readers. I think that this is likely to link well to my previous ancillary task and create continuity among them. The colour scheme will also look effective throughout the review and keep it interesting and engaging to read. The photo:text ratio is based upon the target audience research and how my audience would much prefer to look at images advertising a film than text about it. This is also why I plan to include a cast interview as this is what my target audience found particularly engaging in a magazine review page.

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Evaluation Question 4