Monday 27 November 2017

Editing tips from class

Editing is primarily about the narrative, therefore it is necessary the connection between editing and representation has to be made.

Some things that must be considered are:

  • Match on action- how are messages being conveyed through small twists?
  • How does the audience read the character?
  • Eye line match- providing an insight into character's thoughts
  • Which character is seen in the last aspect of the narrative?
  • What message are you trying to leave with the last shot?
  • Intercutting= juxtaposition of opposites- can be used to create tension
  • Jump cuts= chaos, disorder portrayed
  • Self conscious ellipsis- this draws attention to the rapid action
  • Pace can imply character qualities
  • Consider screen time and importance of the characters
  • What's been left out? What effect does this have?
  • What is the status of the characters being displayed and what narrative dominance do they have?

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