Saturday 31 March 2018

Film Poster- Research and Planning

Film Poster Questionnaire

Which film poster do you like the most?
  • Drive
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Secret Window

Which colours do you think are most effective on a film poster?


Should the actors be making direct eye contact with the camera?
  • Yes
  • No

Should it be one main actor on the poster or all of the main roles? If neither, what would be most effective?


Should the poster include the background of the setting or just focus on the actors?
  • Setting
  • Actors
  • Other ____________________________________________________________________

This is the questionnaire I created for my primary research on my ancillary task. For the creation of my film poster I wanted to ensure that the ideas stemmed from what my target audience liked the most. By doing this it would mean that it was most effective in terms of what they want to see from my product. I would like my film poster and magazine page featuring my short film advertisement to link up well with my short film so that they complement one another overall.

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Evaluation Question 4