Sunday 1 October 2017

Research and Planning- Notes to Look Back Upon

Looking further into creating a more organised blog I decided to write up a brief for the research and planning stage which also features questions that I can look upon for inspiration on what to do next.

  • Mark out of 20- based on quality/teacher's impression
  • As much detail as possible
  • Research= theory driven- show informity of theorists and how they are going to be implied
  • Start with identification of target audience and what you want them to get out of it
  • Audience?
  • Who?
  • How?
  • What?
  • Issues?
  • Genre?
  • Budget?
  • What institution will promote the short film?
  • Key convention of short films- what do you expect to see in a short film?
  • Plan equipment to use
  • Skills evaluation- strengths, where is support needed?
  • How have your skills in digital technology improved in your production work?
What things you might NOT be PERMITTED to do in your coursework
  1. Use copyright music/ideas 
  2. Not perform risk assessments
  3. Glorify alcohol/drug use
  4. Plagiarise
Permissions must be gained from everyone/everything featuring in the short film and the school do not hold responsibility for filming and other risks taken outside of the school grounds. Situations must be implied as opposed to performed- no use of guns/weapons etc. 

In research you need to think about the kind of research you are undertaking- primary and secondary.
Primary= found out by self
Secondary= looking at other ideas
Focus group filling target audience
Evidence for research

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Evaluation Question 4